How to get here?
By car
Kevonranta is located 17 km south from Utsjoki on the road 4. The crossroad to the cabins can be difficult to see, but it is marked with a sign. In addition, one can recognize it from an old wooden building on the road side. The crossroad turns to left approximately 500m after Kevo’s info sign.
By bus
Busses pass Kevonranta from Utsjoki to Ivalo and Rovaniemi 1-2 times daily.
More information on bus schedules can be found from Matkahuolto. (linkitä)
The nearest bus stop can be found on the road 4, about 500 m south from Kevonranta cabins.
By train / air
Trains run from southern Finland to Rovaniemi several times daily. After Rovaniemi, there are no train tracks, so one needs to continue by bus or by for example rented car.
More information on train schedules can be found from VR. (linkitä)
Flights from Helsinki-Vantaa airport to Ivalo travel every day. From Ivalo, one can continue towards Utsjoki by bus or for example by renting a car.
More information on flight schedules can be found from Norwegian and Finnair.
How to move around?
We recommend you to have your own car due to the limited possibility of public transportation.
Are there any basic services nearby?
One can found the basic services such as grocery shop, health center and library from Utsjoki, 17km north from Kevonranta. Sligtly more services you can find from Nuorgam, which is located 61km north.
Coming from south, the nearest places with services are Inari (107km) and Ivalo (146km).
What services do you offer?
We offer only accommodation and possibility to rent for example a boat.
In need for other services we kindly ask to contact several service providers around Utsjoki region.
More information on Utsjoki and its services can be found here.
Is there more specific information on the terms of rent and use of the cabins?
Utsjoentie 1720
99980, Utsjoki
Yhteystiedot/ Contact
2025 Kevonranta. All content right reserved.
Designed by: Simon Boahen